viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the sloth馃Ε馃挀

The sloth is the slowest mammal in the world. They are endemic to the neotropical region, from the Yucatan peninsula in Central America to Brazil.
They have a round head, with a flattened nose and ears so small that they cannot be seen. There are two types of sloths, those with 2 fingers and those with 3 fingers, the latter have a small tail. The sloth can measure between 40 and 70 centimeters.

They have powerful claws, which can measure between 8 and 10 centimeters, and serve as tools for grip and defense.
Algae grow on its coat, which together with its slowness, helps it to go unnoticed in front of its predators.
They have a diet based on stems, young shoots, soft leaves, which do not digest well, due to this they have very large and specialized slow-acting stomachs, it takes up to 50 days to decompose a leaf.

The sloth sleeps most of the time, they only spend 5 hours a day eating and moving. They are agreeable and affable, they avoid confrontation for survival. Males are more solitary, while females generally move in groups.

I like sloths because I consider them beautiful and they have a very loving appearance. But what I like most about them is that they are very interesting animals with very peculiar characteristics, such as that they only defecate once a week or that, despite how slow they are, they are excellent and very fast swimmers. Due to everything mentioned above, it makes them one of my favorite animals.

And of course my favorite sloth in the world is Sid馃挅

s谩bado, 25 de julio de 2020

A subject I'm enjoying this semester

My favorite subject this semester is Anatomy馃惗馃惍馃惔
I like it because it is entertaining and interesting, it draws my attention a lot, since it is a subject that is directly related to veterinary medicine, unlike, for example, economic and administrative bases, which it is not a topic closely related to career.

This semester we have seen the differences and similarities between three species, which are dog, bovine and equine. The contents that we have learned are comparative osteology, urinary system, digestive system, respiratory system, etc. During classes I take notes and also underline the most important things both in the "Manual of the dog's anatomy" and in the book "Comparative anatomy", which is useful for me to better understand the subject. I like that Professor Olivares is precise in explaining the most relevant topics and characteristics, without detailing the concepts that are not so important.

I also like Anatomy for the practicals, I am so sorry that this semester we have not been able to, since the contents we are seeing are really interesting, I would have loved to see a lung, for example, or a heart in person. Also the practical ones helped me to understand faster, because they are much more didactic.

mi茅rcoles, 8 de julio de 2020

My favorite object

My cell phone

I bought my current cell phone about 4 months ago, because the previous one I had was starting to fail.

I love my cell phone, since I have beautiful memories in it. I also like it because it is very useful and I can use it to do various things. I use it to play games, watch series, videos, listen to music, take photos, browse social media, communicate with my family and friends. It was very useful especially when my computer was under repair, since through it, I could to continue connecting to online classes. I use it practically all day, except when I'm studying.

It would be very difficult for me to get used to a life without it, because since the first time i had one, i have never been without a cell phone again. Especially it would be uncomfortable to walk in the street without my cell phone, because with it I feel safer to be able to contact my parents in case of an emergency.

It would be very difficult to be without my cell phone, because it became a fundamental tool in my day to day, since I use it to distract myself, contact my family and also to inform me about different topics.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

My opinions

  • What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I disagree with legalization of abortion only in the 3 cases, I think it should be free, either for rape, failure of the contraceptive method, etc. In my opinion, we should all have the right to decide about our body; also is very important that maternity is desired, both for the well-being of the mother and for the well-being of the child. 

  • What is your opinion about climate change?

In my opinion, climate change is real and not an invention, I think it is because humans have entered increasingly in nature, without giving them the space they deserve. I consider that industries are one of the main causes of climate change, which is why i think that more laws are lacking that regularize the activities of these industries and companies.

  • What is your opinion about recycling?

I think it is very important and beneficial for the environment. I think that in Chile there is no recycling culture, there is little information and there is a lack of measures that encourage recycling, I also consider that more green points are needed throughout the country and that they are not concentrated only in certain places.

  • What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

I disagree with buying pets, because by buying you are supporting the animal breederwhere many times the animals are in deplorable and unworthy conditions. I think it is best to adopt, be it from the street or from animal shelters, there are many abandoned animals waiting for a family.



domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

Little description about me.


My name is Camila N煤帽ez Reyes, I am 20 years old and I am a veterinary medicine student at University of Chile.

I live in Santiago, in the commune of La Florida, together with my parents, brother and my rabbit named Juancha, which i adopted after finding her in a plaza, alone and scared because they had many dogs around.

I chose to study veterinary medicine because I like the health area and I love animals.

I'm a fan of Avril Lavigne, I like to go to the movies and spend time with my family and friends.

Thanks for reading, greetings!.馃憢